Group 2 - Observations on Cultural, Social, and Political Change Jerushia Mae Castro 7:49 2 years ago 3 326 Далее Скачать
UCSP-Q1-MELC3-P7: Discovery, Invention, Diffusion, Colonization, Rebellion | Sir Job TV | 33 Jobert Bergosa 24:58 4 years ago 9 805 Далее Скачать
UCSP - Starting points for the understanding of culture, society, and politics Teacher M 38:27 1 year ago 3 013 Далее Скачать
UCSP1: Introduction to Culture, Society and Politics | Social, Cultural and Political Change AcadeVince 19:20 3 years ago 3 392 Далее Скачать
Social, Cultural and Political changes in the Philippines. ANONYMOUS 3:49 3 years ago 25 368 Далее Скачать